Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Hire Industry Association of New Zealand (Inc.) is to be held on Tuesday 28th July 2020, commencing at 4.00pm.
Samsung Room, Eden Park, 56 Walters Road, Mount Eden, Auckland
- To receive the Annual Report and the Financial Statements.
- To announce the composition of the Board.
- To agree the annual subscription.
- To deal with any items of general business that may be consented to by the members.
- The meeting will be conducted under the Association’s existing constitution and rules.
- Every ordinary member is entitled to one vote, either on a show of hands or on a poll.
- Life members are also entitled to vote, but associate and honorary members are not.
- Members with multiple memberships have one vote for each region in which they trade.
- Partnerships who are members have one vote only, not one vote per partner.
- Members who have not paid their annual subscription due last year are not entitled to vote.
- Members who are corporations may appoint a duly authorized representative to represent them at the meeting.
- Members may appoint a proxy to attend the meeting and vote on their behalf.
- Proxy appointments must be in writing. Please use the form of proxy appointment, which is attached to this notice.
- The appointer or his attorney must sign the form appointing a proxy.
- A proxy holder must be a member and must be qualified to vote.
- Proxy appointments must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer not less than 48 hours before the meeting.