AGM 2024
HIRECON24 will include the association AGM, this is taking place on the 23rd July at 3.15pm at the Viaduct Event Centre in the Kawau room. view programme
This year has the association seeking nominations for two new board members as part of our staggered board tenure process. 2024 sees one Independent Hire Company representative and one Supplier Representative up for election to the board. Amy Gillies of Putaruru Hires position is up for renewal. Amy has indicated that she will stand again for re-election.
All IHC (Independant Hire Company) members are welcome to stand for election.
Dale Lilley of Youngman Richardson position on the board is up for renewal. Dale has indicated he will not stand again for election. The Association takes this time to thank Dale for his contributions to the governance of the association. All Supplier representatives are welcome to stand for election.
We seek interested nominations by Friday 28th June.
Below are all the associated documents for the AGM. The final accounts for the association will be posted closer to the time of the AGM.