This has been coming for some time now and was expected to be released with some big changes in how we deal with plant and equipment.
I have made mention previously about the plant and structures regulation review and the potential impacts it will have on our industry. Mostly fed by droplets of information from government departments, this news story and accompanying information will give us better clues as what we as an industry will be expected to do going forward.
I have only just received this, so have not digested it completely yet. We will do so over the coming days and will organise a webinar to talk more on this subject for this coming Thursday, the 30th September at 1pm. HIANZ Webinars Zoom Link
Health and Safety at Work Reform Overview
HSWA regulatory Reform Proposal
HSWA Regulatory Reform – Summary of Submissions
HSWA Regulatory reform – Minute of Decision #1
HSWA regulatory reform – Minute of Decision #2
Good chat, Have a good weekend…